Lunar Prairie: J.J. Gregg & David Van Auken
Friday, May 10, 2024
Show: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Artist: David Van Auken & J.J. Gregg
Venue: Kala Astoria
Drawing from the Fahey school of fingerpicking, David Van Aukens unadorned guitar arrangements create an apt canvas for J.J. Greggs beautifully fluid sitar melodies, evoking a certain joy that permeates the duos stellar debut album, Lunar Prairie.
Lunar Prairie mixes Americana fingerstyle guitar with the enchanting sounds of the sitar. With 24 strings between them, J.J. Gregg and David Van Auken guide listeners on a magical, musical journey. Salem-based J.J. Gregg performs lyrical and highly emotive improvisations on sitar, while David Van Auken, a Portland-based fingerstyle guitarist, makes contemporary compositions that extract from early acoustic country-blues traditions.
Their collaborative songwriting is gentle, playful, raucous, contemplative, placid, visionary, unpredictable, and captivating. From lullabies to blues, ragas to tunes, J.J. and David craft an immersive musical experience not to be missed.
Tickets: $20
21 & over.
Tickets non-refundable.
Date / time Fri, May 10, 2024 Doors open: 7:00 pm Event begins: 7:30 pm Buy Tickets
1017 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR, 97103 (503) 338-4878 Visit Venue